

Kaiako strengthening children's interest and knowledge to use maths
Kia tuwhera tātou te kuaha o te ao pāngarau
Together we open the door to the world of maths
  • What does maths learning refer to?
    Knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to spatial thinking, number and quantity, and patterns that children experience, explore and use purposefully.
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  • Why is maths learning important?
    Maths is important because maths thinking involves ways of representing the world, particularly in space, number and measurement. By helping to make sense of the world, maths contributes to children being competent and confident learners and communicators.
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  • How is maths learning approached in Kōwhiti Whakapae?
    Four interconnected mātāpono aronui (values) ground maths areas of Kōwhiti Whakapae. Capabilities for teaching and learning are grounded in these values and are integrated across four maths areas.
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  • Te Mokowā me te Whakaine

    Space & Measurement

    Through a range of experiences children learn concepts and language related to shape, size, location, distance, and spatial visualisation.
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  • Te Tau me te Whakaine

    Number & Measurement

    At an exploratory level children begin using the number system to help arrange, count objects and compare quantities for a purpose.
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  • Te tauira me te pānga

    Pattern & Relationships

    In art, construction, routines, and playful experiences children notice, create and use the regular structure of pattern to foster prediction.
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  • Tūhuratia te Pāngarau

    Create & Communicate Maths

    As children construct, model, draw, or create symbols they are involved in processes that represent maths thinking.
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