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Social & Emotional
Agency & Adaptability

Notice and Recognise

Progress examples to help you notice & recognise a child’s progress.

Use the phases of progress (outlined below) to help you notice and recognise a child’s progress.
  • Draw on what you already know and what you've observed.
  • Have discussions with the child, whānau and colleagues.
  • Use the practices (in step 3) to respond based on what you notice.
  • Mokopuna are becoming self-aware. They assert their needs and preferences through their interactions with others. They engage with their surroundings and make choices in their exploration of materials and activities.
  • Mokopuna are soothed by familiar routines, activities and people and may become uneasy when things are unfamiliar.
  • Mokopuna are curious about their worlds, notice new things, and look to familiar people when they are unsure or when they take on challenges. Children experiment in their play and may begin to persist at patterns of play.
  • Children accept help from familiar people. 
  • Children are self-aware. They assert their needs and preferences through actions and requests, can make decisions when specific choices are offered, and might express desires that are not a good fit for a particular circumstance.  
  • Children prefer and can follow familiar routines and activities but are able to adjust to change when supported by familiar people.
  • In the context of safe and secure environments, children increasingly take risks and try new and different ways of doing things. Mokopuna begin to set goals for their learning. They persist in their efforts when highly engaged or motivated.
  • Mokopuna may fluctuate between doing for themselves and receiving help.
  • Mokopuna are aware of themselves, their own needs and preferences, while also beginning to understand how their preferences align with others and the setting’s expectations. Children can make choices to meet their own needs and support the needs of others, especially when they are supported to make choices that benefit the group.
  • Mokopuna can anticipate and follow familiar routines and activities, adjust to change, and adapt to meet expectations.
  • Children are increasingly aware of their capabilities and interests. They make decisions about how and when they try new things and take risks. When children explore different ways to accomplish their goals, they can begin to describe their thinking and reasons for their choices. Mokopuna can direct their attention and persist in their efforts for extended periods.
  • Children give and receive help and can contribute to the wellbeing of others in the group.
  • Mokopuna are aware of themselves, their needs and preferences and how these are aligned with others and the setting’s expectations. Mokopuna can communicate about their relationships and their identity within the setting. They make decisions that benefit themselves, others, and the collective.
  • Mokopuna can anticipate, follow and help others during routines and activities. Children can adjust to change, adapt to meet expectations, and respectfully advocate for changes within the setting.
  • Children hold a positive learner identity and a realistic perception of themselves and their capabilities. They are strategic with the risks they take and use a range of strategies to support their own and other’s learning. Children can describe, reflect on and adapt their goals as they extend their learning. Children can direct and redirect their attention and persist in a range of tasks and types of play, for extended periods.
  • Mokopuna easily give and receive help and contribute to the collective wellbeing of a group.