Social & Emotional
Social Inclusion & Action
Notice and Recognise
Progress examples to help you notice & recognise a child’s progress.
Use the phases of progress (outlined below) to help you notice and recognise a child’s progress.
- Draw on what you already know and what you've observed.
- Have discussions with the child, whānau and colleagues.
- Use the practices (in step 3) to respond based on what you notice.
- Mokopuna are attuned to themselves and the familiar people in their environment. They are at ease when those around them are also at ease.
- Their interactions are often aligned with or mimic the cues and actions of familiar and trusted people. They may be reluctant or uneasy in the presence of unfamiliar people.
- Mokopuna can engage with peers in inclusive ways without reference to differences, particularly when they feel secure.
- Their understanding of themselves and te taiao is experienced through curiosity and wonder in nature.
- Children are expanding their social worlds to include familiar and new people. They are beginning to recognise how different environments or interactions can change the sense of ease in others.
- Children’s own interactions may be influenced by the cues or actions of familiar people. They will engage with peers and playmates in inclusive ways and, without judgement, may begin to point out or be aware of physical differences among people.
- They are increasingly aware of unfairness and may try out different ways to make things fair, particularly when things do not feel fair in their favour.
- Their understanding of themselves and te taiao is experienced through exploration in nature and by beginning to take part in caring for the natural world
- Children’s social worlds include a diverse network of people. They have concern for the well-being of their whānau across different environments.
- Mokopuna have established ways of interacting with peers and playmates, based on past experiences. With support, they can form new ways of interacting and extend ways to be inclusive in their play. Through their play and learning, mokopuna explore how people can be similar and different. Mokopuna may express views they have learned from others.
- Children are increasingly attuned to issues of fairness and begin to consider patterns of unfairness. They use a range of strategies to make things fair for themselves and others.
- Their understanding of themselves and te taiao is experienced through exploration in nature and taking an active role in caring for the natural world
- Mokopuna comfortably engage with diverse networks of people. They take action to support interactions that are respectful and caring, for themselves, their whānau and others.
- Mokopuna use a range of strategies to be responsive to and inclusive of people they are engaging and playing with. They have an expanding knowledge about different people and cultures and hold views that affirm and support the rights and wellbeing of everyone. Mokopuna may challenge the views of familiar people.
- Children can consider fairness in relation to equity and equality. They will ask questions about issues of prejudice, discrimination or bias and communicate their own thoughts and ideas about these injustices. Children will take action to protect, support, and stand-up for themselves and others.
- Children will share their ideas about connections between the health and wellbeing of people and the natural environment. They can advocate for care of te taiao and create solutions that protect the natural world.