Guides & References

Resources to support Kōwhiti Whakapae

Kaiako Guides

He māpuna te tamaiti - Supporting social and emotional competence in early learning

He Māpuna te Tamaiti is a resource designed for kaiako in early learning settings. It promotes proactive, intentional approaches to supporting the development of children's social and emotional competence. The book comes with a set of cards for use in daily practice and during professional learning conversations. 

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Te kōrerorero: Talking together

Talking together, Te kōrerorero is a suite of resources that promote effective teaching practices so that kaiako and teaching teams can strengthen how they support the oral language across children's language pathways. 

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Literacy kaiako guide 

This literacy kaiako guide provides a deeper dive into key areas of literacy in early childhood and complements Kōwhiti Whakapae. It includes 4 topics: Literacy within Te Whāriki; Emergent literacy; Creating a print-rich environment; and Using literacy for a range of purposes. 

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Maths kaiako guide 

This maths kaiako guide provides a deeper dive into maths learning in the early years and complements Kōwhiti Whakapae. Topics include: What is maths in the early years; Weaving the maths in Te Whāriki; Attitudes and dispositions; Rich resources for maths thinking; Community maths; Maths with infants and toddlers; and Joy with numbers. 

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Whānau Guides

Being together | He noho tahi - Social & emotional learning in the home 

He Noho Tahi - Being Together is a set of resource designed for whānau to foster their children's social and emotional learning in the home. This set includes videos, pamphlets and a poster in te reo Māori and English. 

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Hei kōrerorero ki te kāinga | Talking together - Learning in the home

This resource provides practical and effective tools to foster oral language development in the home environment. This set includes videos, pamphlets and a poster in a range of languages including te reo Māori and English. 

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Explore literacy together - Mā kōrua e tūhura te reo matatini 

Explore literacy together – Mā kōrua e Tūhura te Reo Matatini includes a video and pamphlet in te reo Māori and English to help parents and whānau to support literacy learning in the home. 

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Explore maths together – Mā kōrua e tūhura te pāngarau 

Explore maths together – Mā Kōrua e Tūhura te Pāngarau includes a video and pamphlet in te reo Māori and English to help parents and whānau support maths learning in the home.

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