Ko te kupu te mauri o te reo Māori.
The word is the life force of the language.
Literacy is an integral part of language and is deeply intertwined with culture and identity. The literacy knowledge, skills, and attitudes that children develop in their early years provide them with a potent means of communication and self-expression.
Honouring the life force within te reo Māori includes:
- paying attention to correct pronunciation and correct use of macrons in the written form.
- offering a variety of books in te reo Māori and dual language (Māori and English) that reflect mokopuna Māori and their everyday lives.
- providing opportunities to experience pūrākau (ancient legends) as well as pakiwaitara (fables) that shine a light on local history – the people, places and events.
Literacy learning is likely to be successful and engaging when children see themselves and their whānau represented in books and illustrations. It also serves as a valuable means to broaden their interests and aspirations.