What does Kotahitanga me Kaitiakitanga refer to?

Kotahitanga means unity, togetherness, and solidarity. It recognises the diversity of people and supports collective action and achieving unity when coming together. Kaitiakitanga represents the responsibilities of guardianship and stewardship.

The capabilities included within the social and emotional area of social inclusion & action are drawn from the values and concepts of kotahitanga and kaitiakitanga.

Through kotahitanga and kaitiakitanga, mokopuna learn to value and look after themselves and others in ways that promote acceptance, kindness and compassion for all living beings. 


Kotahitanga involves working together to be inclusive and unified. This includes collective action to support collective outcomes and purpose, and the acknowledgment of the strengths and contributions of all. Through a unified sense of togetherness, kotahitanga supports children’s sense of belonging and contribution.


Kaitiakitanga is often focused on protection and guardianship for the natural world but can also include the interconnections between people and their connections to the environment. Kaitiakitanga requires action to protect, nurture and celebrate each other and our worlds.