Transitions for Louie
Louie lives with his Spanish mum, Maria, and Pākehā dad, Jamie. Louie is bilingual speaking English and Spanish. His dad does most of the kindergarten drop offs. Louie’s family are expecting a new baby and his kaiako know this will be a significant change for him given he is currently an only child.
The first story explains some background information about Louie’s transition into kindergarten and emotional learning so far. The following stories build on Louie’s learning journey as his teachers utilise the Emotional Awareness, Regulation, and Spiritual Connectedness section of Kōwhiti Whakapae: Social and Emotional area.
As you read the five stories, you can find more information about the connections between learning story content and kaiako use of Kōwhiti Whakapae. They also show how the team understand Louie’s learning in relation to 'Te Whāriki' and the curriculum they provide.