Before working with this Assessment Example
baby drawing

Billie starts to talk

Oral Language & Literacy
Understanding & Using Language
This series of three stories is about Billie who has attended an ECE centre for 20 hours a week from 6 months old.

Billie lives with his mother Kylie and two nanas – nana Erin and nana Mere - and is part of a large close-knit whānau. Billie is of Māori and Irish descent and attends a full-day early learning service. The following stories document Billie’s learning journey from 8 months to 22 months of age and highlight how kaiako have drawn on the Understanding and Using Language section of Kōwhiti Whakapae: Oral Language & Literacy along with Te Whāriki to support Billie’s ongoing language journey. 

As you read the five stories, you can find more information about the connections between learning story content and kaiako use of Kōwhiti Whakapae. They also show how the team understand Billie’s learning in relation to Te Whāriki and the learning programme they provide. 

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