Before working with this Assessment Example
Make sure you've read Maths and Space & Measurement
child with spade

Tia connects with te taiao

Space & Measurement
This series of four stories follows Tia, who is four years old and attends her local kindergarten.

Tia lives with both her parents and her younger brother. Her mother is of South African descent and her father, has whakapapa Māori. Tia has attended her local kindergarten since she was two and a half years old. Her pāpā often shares mātauranga Māori and tikanga Māori with the kindergarten kaiako and children.

These four stories focus on Tia and her developing knowledge about space and measurement, centred around the growth of hua rākau/fruit, tikanga of kai, agency, and advocacy for herself and mātauranga Māori. These stories highlight her connection and relationship with her te taiao and follow her progress over time, leading to her teaching her younger siblings and friends at kindergarten. Tia’s understanding of space and measurement in the realms of Atua Māori and taonga Māori has supported her belonging and identity as Māori.

As you read the stories, you can find more information about how the kindergarten kaiako engaged with the Space and Measurement area of Kōwhiti Whakapae to support their practice and strengthen Tia’s learning in relation to the Mana tangata | Contribution and Mana aotūroa | Exploration strands of Te Whāriki.

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