Felix’s love of animals
Felix is an only child and lives with his two Dads, Mike and Ari. Mike is of English descent and moved to Aotearoa 10 years ago and Ari is a 5th generation Pākehā New Zealander.
These three stories focus on Felix’s explorations of pattern. The stories have been written by Maia, one of the duty parents at the playcentre. They show how Felix is supported to learn over time through exploration and play, with the presence of interested adults who offer ideas and encouragement.
As you read the stories, you can find more information about how the Playcentre parents engaged with the Pattern and Relationships area of Kōwhiti Whakapae to support their practice and strengthen Felix’s learning in relation to the Mana reo | Communication, Mana whenua | Belonging and Mana aotūroa | Exploration strands of Te Whāriki.