Before working with this Assessment Example
Make sure you've read Maths and Number & Measurement
Adult with 2 children

Maia’s growing sense of belonging

Number & Measurement
The following three stories are about Maia, who is two years old and attends an early learning centre.

Maia is the middle child with two brothers. Her family value their Māori and Samoan whakapapa and are committed to ensuring that their children are able to participate in all aspects of their languages, cultures and identity. Her family strongly connect with te ao Māori and te reo Māori is prioritised in the home. Waiata, haka, dance and musical instruments are very familiar to Maia. Kaiako have learned from her family about her strong musical interest at home and have noticed her musical exploration of materials within the early learning setting.

The three stories capture Maia’s interest in sounds, music and number as she connects with the haka actions most familiar to her. The stories also illustrate Maia’s enjoyment in exploring and making sounds with objects in her learning environment.

As you read the stories, you can find more information about how the centre engaged with the Number and Measurement area of Kōwhiti Whakapae to support their practice and strengthen Maia’s learning in relation to the Mana reo | Communication and Mana aotūroa | Exploration strands of Te Whāriki.

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