Before working with this Assessment Example
Make sure you've read Maths and Create & Communicate Maths
Child painting

Aria makes connections

Create & Communicate Maths
The following three stories are about Aria, who is three years old and attends an early learning centre.

The kaiako all know Aria and her whānau, as well as her older brother who recently left the centre for school. Her baby brother is still home while mum is on maternity leave. Aria’s mother and father are of Māori descent and te reo Māori is one of the languages being introduced at home, with mum and dad learning alongside their tamariki.

The three stories have been written by her kaiako, Donna, who notices Aria’s connected interests in whānau, art, maps and maths. The stories show Aria’s journey exploring in the art area and beyond and captures how her knowledge of maths grew as she was able to represent and share her ideas with friends.

As you read the stories, you can find more information about how the kaiako engaged with the Create and Communicate Maths area of Kōwhiti Whakapae to support their practice and strengthen Aria’s learning in relation to the Mana reo | Communication, Mana whenua | Belonging and Mana aotūroa | Exploration strands of Te Whāriki.

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