Kaiako should support children to grow as mathematicians within the holistic framework of Te Whāriki. The following show how number and measurement are evident in each strand of Te Whāriki.
Learning about number and measurement can help children safely explore challenging environments, engage in energetic physical activity, find retreat space, and develop independence including self-care skills such as toileting and dressing. For example, counting can help children use equipment safely (e.g. “Let’s count to five before touching warm glue from a glue gun”), and understanding time can support increasing independence as children predict routines such as lunchtime or home time. These experiences support the learning outcomes of Mana Atua | Wellbeing such as: “Over time and with guidance and encouragement, children become increasingly capable of keeping themselves and others safe from harm | te noho haumaru (Te Whāriki, p. 27).
Learning about number and measurement can help children feel secure, know they belong, and can strengthen their sense of connection to others and the environment. For example, understanding number supports relational thinking (e.g. “I have five kaiako and two mums”), and secure feelings (e.g. “I have two spare pairs of pants if I get wet”). Knowledge about quantity can also strengthen children’s sense of belonging (e.g. “There are enough blocks for me to join in”). These experiences support the learning outcomes of Mana Whenua | Belonging such as: “Over time and with guidance and encouragement, children become increasingly capable of understanding how things work here and adapting to change | te mārama ki te āhua o ngā whakahaere me te mōhio ki te panoni” (Te Whāriki, p. 32).
Learning about number and measurement can help children learn with and alongside others and make a valued contribution. For example, using number can help children collaborate as they plan and construct objects, for example “the robot can see out the window if we make it six boxes high” or “let’s use three each and see if there’s any left”. These experiences can support learning outcomes of Mana Tangata | Contribution such as: “Over time and with guidance and encouragement, children become increasingly capable of using a range of strategies and skills to play and learn with others | te ngākau aroha” (Te Whāriki, p. 37).
Learning about number and measurement contributes to children being strong and effective communicators. For example, using maths language, gestures, or representations to illustrate or describe number helps children to share ideas (e.g. “I think we need six more”), and discuss their working theories (e.g. “To make the weaving reach the end, I think we’ll need five thin leaves or three wide leaves”). These experiences support the learning outcomes of Mana reo | Communication such as: “Over time and with guidance and encouragement, children become increasingly capable of recognising mathematical symbols and concepts and using them with enjoyment, meaning and purpose | he kōrero pāngarau” (Te Whāriki, p. 42).
Learning about number and measurement contributes to children being critical thinkers, problem solvers and explorers. For example, measuring different quantities and counting discrete objects helps children classify, make predictions, solve problems and think critically, e.g. “I saw three tui in the kōwhai tree yesterday, but I can’t see any today - why?”. These experiences support the learning outcomes of Mana aotūroa | Exploration such as: “Over time and with guidance and encouragement, children become increasingly capable of making sense of their worlds by generating and refining working theories | te rangahau me te mātauranga” (Te Whāriki, p. 47).